One Love, World Peace

(1) Bob Marley changed the world with his peacefully, reggae music. Preaching peace and love throughout his lyrics, Bob Marley enlightened the ears of whomever listened. This cover of his hit song “One Love” shows how his influence spread outside of his Jamaican roots and across the globe. The video begins with a picture of Bob Marley, signifying respect to the original artist. It proceeds with the song and begins with one person playing the song and switches numerous times between a variation of people. Each person involved in the cover represents a unique country, from African countries to many others throughout Asia. By doing so, the video displays a sense of united between all the countries which provides a message saying conveying that the world can live in peace. Supporting this claim is that they all are singing the same song which is strongly correlated to peace. One line they all seem to sing is “Let’s get together and feel alright” which puts emphasize on the fact that all countries should, and can get together. The audience of this song appears to be anyone interested in Bob Marley, as it is a cover of one of his greatest hits. However the audience expands to more than just fans, but also everyone in those countries, especially those who don’t believe in peace. Many countries in the video had a bloody past, for example Congo(Mobutu Years, etc) or Israel. These people singing are trying to convince their respective countries that different races, skin colors, and so on can coexist.

CITE: One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the WorldYouTube. YouTube, 05 Feb. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. <;

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